Slide 1 Slide 1 (current slide) Slide 2 Slide 2 (current slide) Slide 3 Slide 3 (current slide) Please only sign your own children up. Please sign each child up individually. Parent/ Legal Guardian * First Name Last Name Child's Details * First Name Last Name Age Please select the days your child will attend: 4 Full Days: 09:00- 15:00- €170 4 Full Days: 09:00- 15:00- €170 SOLD OUT 4 Half Days: 10:00- 13:00- €90 SOLD OUT Tuesday Full Day: 09:00- 15:00- €45 SOLD OUT Tuesday Half Day: 10:00- 13:00- €25 SOLD OUT Wednesday Full Day: 09:00- 15:00- €45 SOLD OUT Wednesday Half Day: 10:00- 13:00- €25 SOLD OUT Thursday Full Day: 09:00- 15:00- €45 Thursday Half Day: 10:00- 13:00- €25 Friday Full Day: 09:00- 15:00- €45 Friday Half Day: 10:00- 13:00- €25 Thurs & Fri Full Day: 09:00-15:00- €90 Thurs & Fri Half Day: 10:00- 13:00- €50 We will apply group discounts for siblings. 10% off two siblings, 20% off three siblings Does your child require a special needs assistant at school? Yes No We will do our best to provide an assistant for any child that normally requires an SNA. However, please indicate that you understand that you may be required to provide an assistant or accompany your child to Forest School. * I understand My child does not normally require a special needs assistant Email * Thank you!You will receive a payment link to your email in the next 24 hours.