Consent FormThe following form must be completed upon sign up. Parent's Name * First Name Last Name Child's Name * First Name Last Name Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Emergency Contact Number * (###) ### #### Additional Emergency Contact Number Email * Any additional information that may better help us to support your child? Does your child suffer from anxiety or panic attacks? * Yes No Is your child afraid of dogs? * Yes No Do you give permission for the Forest School leader to deliver first Aid if needed? * Yes No Do you give permission for your child to receive medical treatment if needed? * Yes No Do you give permission to take photographs to use on social media? * Yes No Do you understand that your child can engage in Risky Play in Forest School and may receive cuts, scrapes, injuries and loss in such play? * I understand Do you understand that your child is required to wear outdoor waterproof clothing and footwear to Forest School? * I understand Do you understand that your child’s clothes will get dirty at Forest School? * I understand Does your child have any allergies? * Do you give permission for your child to eat food prepared at Forest School, including foraged food? * Yes No May we provide sun cream to your child on sunny days? * Yes No We will retain information from this consent form for 6 months after the course has concluded. Thank you!